Mina Ye
Placement Site: UNICEF, New York

I work with the Public-Private Partnership team in the Public Partnership Division (PPD). The PPD plays a crucial role at UNICEF, responsible for identifying partnership opportunities and securing funding from both the public and private sectors. While the concept of PPP may seem relatively new to the world, numerous projects involving both the public and private sectors have been operating with similar mechanisms in different countries for some time already. However, there is currently no clear and comprehensive top-down approach to planning PPP projects, making evaluation and scaling difficult. Furthermore, there is a lack of specialized expertise solely focused on PPPs.
As a leading global health organization, UNICEF is one of the pioneering UN agencies in promoting PPPs. That being said, our team's primary focus is on promotion with the aim to upscale PPP projects systematically in both the public and private sectors. One of the ongoing projects I am involved in is the development of a PPP strategy aimed at promoting and identifying new opportunities in the coming years. We conducted research and case studies on PPPs within UN organizations, IFIs, and bilateral countries. During our research, I learned that different organizations have their own definitions of PPPs and PPP strategy focuses. We also created a BCG matrix showcasing the agencies' PPP preferences. Having an overview of the PPP project landscape across different sectors allows us to target specific agencies when seeking potential donors and collaborators.
Working at UNICEF NYHQ may sound high-level and glamorous but working here in September is particularly intense. September is perhaps the busiest month for UN organizations as it hosts high-level meetings and events. Our colleagues from Geneva also come to New York to attend relevant side events and meet with us in person. I would like to share my experiences volunteering at the UNICEF Executive Board Meeting and assisting the Office of the Executive Director coordination team during the high-level week. It was an invaluable opportunity that provided me with insights into the behind-the-scenes workings of the board meeting and bilateral events. I also had the privilege of attending some of the large-scale events during the UNGA and meeting important individuals and world leaders. Additionally, I volunteered to assist with the SDG Digital event organized by UNDP and ITU during the SDG Action Weekend. Given the crucial role of digital technology in achieving the SDGs, this event brought together stakeholders from governments, private sectors, and civil society to advocate for actions that leverage digital technologies to achieve the SDGs. This week has truly been eye-opening for me!
Lastly, I would like to share my experience in the Big Apple. Before arriving in New York, I often heard about its hustle and bustle in the news, which initially intimidated me. However, after nearly three months here, I have grown to love the city. I am thoroughly enjoying the Broadway shows, museums, concerts, and occasional sports games. It is also delightful to explore the city and see iconic buildings that I have previously only seen on TV and in dramas. The city's rich culture, arts scene, and wide range of entertainment options are truly fascinating.

Fig.1 Working at the UNICEF

Fig. 2 Assisting the SDG Digital event during SDG Action Week

Fig. 3 Volunteering at UNICEF Executive Board Meeting

Fig. 4 Exploring Brooklyn